The orchid is a tropical plant that prefers stable and moderate temperatures. If outside conditions are similar to those in its natural environment, it is possible to put the orchid outdoor in summer but with some precautions to ensure that it is in a suitable environment.

What to watch out for:
Did you know that light and temperature are the keys to a healthy orchid? But that’s not all, here you can find the list of things you need to check for best growth.
Sunlight: orchids like diffuse light, so it is good to find an outdoor area that offers indirect sunlight and avoid exposing orchids directly to intense sunlight, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
Temperature: this should not be extreme, in fact, many orchid species tolerate temperatures between 18°C and 24° C. It is advisable to avoid long exposure to temperatures above 30°C or below 10°C.
Humidity: orchids like relatively high humidity. However during the summer, the air outdoors can be drier, so it may be necessary to increase the humidity around the plant. This can be done by placing the orchid on a tray with moist stones or by spraying water around the plant.
Protection: if you place the orchid outside, make sure that it is protected from the weather. Avoid exposing the plant to direct rain, strong wind or extreme weather conditions. If necessary, place the plant in a covered area such as a patio or sheltered balcony.
Drainage: the pot of the orchid must have holes at the bottom. A good drainage system ensures that the roots do not stagnate in water, because excess water can damage the roots and lead to rot.
In conclusion, closely monitor the condition of the orchid during the outdoor period in summer, keeping an eye on any signs of stress or damage. If the plant does not adapt well to the outdoor environment, it may be better to bring it back indoors.