basil, the most loved aromatic plant

Basil is one of the most popular and versatile aromatic herbs, used in many recipes for its fresh and unique taste. Pruning basil properly and at the right time is essential to ensure a lush plant and an abundant harvest. In this article, we will see how and when to prune basil for best results, as well as suggest a delicious summer recipe to make the most of your harvest.

pianta di basilico in vaso
foglie di basilico
pesto di basilico

how to prune basil

  1. Tools:

    • Scissors: sharp and clean scissors are essential to make clean cuts and prevent damage to the plant. You can find a great pruning shears here.

    • Watering can: To keep the basil well hydrated after pruning. A good watering can is available here.

come e quando potare in autunno

Pruning Techniques

Cut over the knot: when the plant has reached at least 15 cm in height, find the knot (the point from which the leaves grow) and cut just above it. This stimulates the growth of new side shoots.

Remove flowers: To prevent the plant from focusing on seed production instead of leaves, remove the flowers as soon as they appear.

Prune regularly: Pruning regularly, every 2-3 weeks, helps keep the plant healthy and extend thick growth.

Discover all the products to have healthy and lush basil plants

A recycled plastic vase with drainage hole, natural volcanic perlite that guarantees an excellent water absorption that then gradually yields to the soil along with the fertilisers, Professional nutrition specifically for hydroculture for rapid root growth and much more.

See all products

Smart Garden: An Innovative Solution

For those who want to grow basil and other herbs at home all year round, smart gardens are an ideal solution. These automated growing systems provide the right amount of light, water and nutrients, ensuring healthy and lush plants without the need for a green thumb. Learn more about smart gardens and how they can simplify your gardening experience here.

Have a good gardening and enjoy your meal!

Summer Recipe: Caprese Salad with Fresh Basil Pesto

Once you’ve picked basil, you can use it to prepare a delicious summer recipe. Blend the basil with pine nuts, parmesan, oil and garlic, slice tomatoes and mozzarella and season with fresh basil. An original idea for a simple and tasty lunch!